From one file to millions of files, Indexed I/O fits every case size (big and small) with ease, all while being cost-effective. Built from scratch in the cloud, the platform is fast, effective, and secure, making it the obvious choice for Electronic Discovery needs.
From a single file to petabytes of data, Indexed I/O has your eDiscovery processing needs covered. Simply upload your data, click a few settings, and instantly have access to the industry’s most powerful eDiscovery processing solution.
No one can beat Indexed I/O’s search speed. In most cases, it takes milliseconds to deliver search results on multi-TB datasets (many millions of items). This translates to near-instant access to important and critical information at speeds you have to see to believe.
Interactive charts, graphs, and reporting allows you to quickly analyze and filter your data. Visually digest your data by file extensions, data type, processing metrics (exceptions, duplicates, system files), and even document timeline and social communication graphs.
The Indexed I/O review interface is streamlined to provide a secure, effective, and easy to use document review solution. Our simple and straightforward design allows you to focus on your review, not learning a new technology. Indexed I/O always provides unlimited users at no additional cost. Instant foreign language translation features are also included.
Indexed I/O can produce and export data in a variety of ways. We have preset formats that allow you to export data into your favorite in-house eDiscovery software, as well as export customization features to format it however you need. Easily export your data with just a few clicks into Native, PDF, or Image formats.
We structure our processing and hosting prices on the ‘Post’ gigabyte file sizes (the total data file size after it has been extracted and processed). Example: If you upload a 1 GB zip, and 2 GB of data is extracted, you are invoiced on the 2GB only.
30 days free hosting
Indexed I/O is the only eDiscovery solution that provides a Daily Hosting model. This allows more predictable billing, easier project management, and eliminates ‘minimum’ hosting charges.
Applied to post-processed size only
This allows you to keep your project and data ‘near line’ without incurring active hosting costs. Did your case suddenly become active again? No worries! In minutes, your project is reactivated and available for use.
A per-page price is applied to all image (TIF or PDF, Color or B/W) exports. Export options include: Native, Native PDF, TIFF, PDF, and Text formats. You can also include multiple load files from our default formats or your own customized format(s).
Charges only incur if results are returned. If your submission does not return results, zero cost!
Instantly translate foreign language documents to English (or language of your choice) for easy review and search.